Who Is Brooke?

Hi there!  My name is Brooke Miller and I am a small-town girl from Tyler, Tx.  I grew up in Tyler and met my husband here as well — childhood sweethearts! Chris and I have been married for about 22 years now!  When we first got married, we moved out to California and lived there for about 12 years.  We then felt God calling us back home to start our family.  We now have FOUR babies—two boys and two girls ages 9, 8, 7 + 5!  They keep us on our toes for sure—-NEVER a dull moment but this momma wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!  My GREATEST joy in life is all the sweet little moments “in between”.  If I could bottle up all the little chocolate-covered giggles and hear them whenever I wanted, I’d be one happy momma!  Ahhhh, yes, give me the simple Iife!  My faith and my family are THE most precious to me.  My hopes and dreams for my bakery, are for my children to know and see that it’s never too late to follow your heart and pursue a dream - not to let fear of failure keep you from trying.  My kitchen is truly OUR HAPPY PLACE!  It’s full of love and laughter and lots and lots of music and dancing!  And, yes, there are times (lots of times!) that I break out the 80’s and 90’s and fully embarrass my children with my singing and dancing——it’s my job as a mom, right?